All Articles
37. A living Person: God the Holy Spirit
11. Learning to confess sin
31. The Christian reaction to persecution
11. Let go of the past and live in the present, for the future.
38. An Old Testament pattern of the Holy Spirit
32. What does the book of Job teach us about suffering?
12. Learning in Fellowship
39. A New Testament presence of the Holy Spirit
12. What does it mean to have your God-given dreams removed by God Himself?
33. When prayers seem unanswered and God's promises untrue
13. Learning how to pray
40. Recent controversies concerning the Holy Spirit
13. Seven and a half years on from my laryngectomy
34. African cancers: ethnicity, race, culture and their socio-political effects
14. Learning how to learn
14. A Carer, not alone, but lonely!
41. Testing and discerning for truth
35. Nepotism and tribalism
15. Living as a Christian at home
15. Keeping on living life as it is given to me - Another voicing-valve change!
42. Spiritual warfare
16. Living as a Christian at work
36. Promote family and friends, or the right person for this role?
16. Eight years, and counting, of pain and questions.