All Articles
43. Explaining a mystery - how God saves His people from their sins
17. Living as a Christian child
37. Tribalism, ethnicity and nepotism in Sudan (and South Sudan)
17. Stopping some things after doing them for fifty years!
44. Extracts from 'statements of belief' from different churches of Sudan
18. Living as a Christian husband and father
38. Keeping your focus on God
45. Definition of key 'salvation' words
18. Adjusting to adjustments made
19. Living as a Christian wife and mother
46. Explaining how salvation is experienced
19. New Challenges Ahead
47. Taking care in our evangelism
20. Proper prayer is not asking for what you want, but discovering ...
20. Living as a single Christian
48. The Old and New Testament Church
21. The Christian attitude to money
49. Christian worship
22. The Christian attitude to time
50. Christian ministry
23. The Christian attitude to sickness
51. Church ordinances
24. The Christian attitude to other people
52. Leadership and membership of the local church