Christian theology in a Sudanese context. The essential nature and character of God.

The Omniscience of God God must know absolutely everything it is possible to know in order to be omniscient. The word means, ‘having infinite knowledge or understanding’. God’s omniscience governs His omnipotence: in other words, God’s infinite power is controlled in practice by His infinite knowledge and wisdom (Job 9:4). God knows all things perfectly. He never makes mistakes, He is never surprised by anything, He is never puzzled. It is a great comfort for obedient Christians to know that God knows all about ourselves and our circumstances (Psalm 139:1-6, 13-17, 23-24).
It is a fearful thought to any whose lives are not God-honouring. God can never learn anything. If there was anything He did not know, He would not be perfect in His knowledge. If He were not perfect, He could not be God (Job 37:14-16). God knows everything that happens. God knows everything that will happen. God knows best. And, God knows me and loves me still! (Romans 11:33-36). God knows that life sometimes presents me with big challenges, so He gives me the security of trusting myself to Him (Proverbs 3:5,6). God, and God alone, fully knows Himself (Isaiah 55:8,9; 1 Corinthians 2:9-11). Just as no-one knows your thoughts unless you share them in a conversation with them, so we can only know the things of God He shares with us through His word and by His Spirit. God sees everything, including the suffering of His people. He can be trusted to act at the right time (Exodus 3:7-10). When we think that God should act more quickly, we must remember that He knows all of the facts, past, present and future. He is working out His purpose for the world as well as for ourselves (Hebrews 11:23-29). Since God knows everything, it is useless to try and cover up our sins (Joshua 7:19-26). Since God knows everything, all our serving of Christ which is unnoticed by people around us, is being noticed by our Father in heaven (Matthew 6:1-4). Thinking it through. (a). How does the omniscience of God help you when you are in great need?
(b). How does it help when you are serving Him?
(c). How does it help when you are sinning?