Christian thoughts from everyday life in and around the three cities.

Contents are below.
1. The Heart of the Matter 3
2. Its Only Bread 4
3. Birds Teach People in Khartoum 5
4. Freedom and Road Rules 6
5. A Sign of Things to Come? 9
6. Life Under the Influence 10
7. A Battle Every Day in My Garden 12
8. Change is Here To Stay 14
9. A Uniform Scent 15
10. Incarnation More Remarkable than Evolution 17
11. The Streetlight, the Star and the Saviour 19
12. Outside the Cinema, Inside Christianity 20
13. Choose the Right Bus! 23
14. Is Charcoal More Useful than You? 25
15. Time to Wake Up! 26
16. The Old Ways Die Hard 28
17. Walking in the Dark 30
18. The Test of Light 32
19. Keeping the Devil Away! 34
20. Washed Up and Clean 36
21. Waiting for a Reply 37
22. Are You Ready to Go? 39
All these articles first appeared in the Khartoum Monitor newspaper almost weekly, between September 2002 and April 2003.
The published booklet (November 2003) was dedicated to the many friends Brenda and I enjoyed working alongside during our brief time pastoring Khartoum International Church